About the Offering

"The Ascension" is a treasure trove of my channeled messages, healing meditations, and teachings. Imagine it as a jewelry box where each piece is precious and adds unique value to your life.

When you join this offering, you will be exposed to a variety of healing meditations, channeled messages, and teachings designed to support your healing journey.

Healing Meditations: I channel unique healing meditations directly from my spirit guides. These meditations have healed and impacted over 1000 seekers from more than 20 countries. By joining this offering, you will have access to both live and recorded meditations, which you can practice to heal any blockages you may be facing.

Participants have shared experiencing divine interventions, energetic flow, chakra activation, life-changing realizations, catharsis, and astral visions through these meditations.

Channeled Messages: The universe is always communicating, and as a channeler, I offer messages for the collective to help align you with your highest soul path. Many seekers have expressed immense gratitude for these messages. If you resonate with the content I share on social media, you will find these messages particularly enriching.

Teachings: If my insights on social media resonate with you, you'll appreciate the collection of lessons and teachings in this offering. These lessons delve into topics such as karma, attachment, acceptance, surrender, feminine energy, masculine energy, inner child healing, womb blockages, chakras, and more. They are designed to help you understand your journey and challenges more deeply.

Live Classes: In addition to the recorded resources, you will have the opportunity to attend live classes and meditations every month, offering real-time interaction and further support on your journey.

Join "The Ascension" to explore these precious resources and embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery.

Energy Exchange

Why choose this?

You'll love "The Ascension" because it offers:

Over 20 Hours of Resources: Access a vast library of spiritual content anytime you want.

Flexibility: Engage with the materials at your own pace, fitting seamlessly into your schedule.

Monthly Live Sessions: Join live sessions every month for real-time guidance and connection.

Comprehensive Healing Resources: Find support for all kinds of challenges and blockages, whether inner child, masculine and feminine energies, karmic issues, chakras, and more—all in one place.

And the best part? All of this is available for just $12 or 1000 rupees a month, making it an incredibly economical choice for your spiritual journey.

Join us and experience a comprehensive, flexible, and enriching spiritual journey with "The Ascension."

Know before you join

It is a 3 Months Commitment

The energy exchange of INR 3333 supports access to the offering for 3 months. If you want to continue this path and access the resources after 3 months, you can buy again. You can contact us: [email protected]

If you are committed to shifting your life completely then you can go for a longer duration too and directly join for 6 MONTHS

Live sessions

Shivangi intuitively comes up with Live Classes each month, you can attend them when you are part of the offering. To take her live sessions, you can buy the offering again, after the end of 3 Months.

More Testimony: Please check my Instagram Highlights. https://www.instagram.com/shivangiranjjan/

Preview a lesson

Here is a link to one of the chapters from this offering. You can watch it and see if it resonates with you.

https://youtu.be/uN0ETRlgk7Y?si=hslQ87_f6vZgDSkt This will give you a preview of our work

The Next Level

After attending classes, if you feel drawn to this path, you can enroll yourself in our two exclusive courses, "Heal your soul" and "Awaken your gift of channeling". This is a much more personalized journey for those who are ready for the next level of awakening. Shivangi offers personal support to each one of the attendees and we take a limited number of seekers for each batch.


Mail: [email protected]

Whatsapp: +91 93341 06960


Shivangi is a self-taught channeler, energy healer, and spiritual teacher. She has guided 1000+ individuals globally with her channeling, teachings, and healing abilities. As a child, she had experiences with angels and spirit guides but never understood them. Growing up, she pursued this path and started sharing it with the world.

In her journey, she has helped people with inner child, wounded masculine, wounded feminine, ancestral blockages, chakra imbalances, karmic wounds, and much more. She also teaches channeling and healing to those who want to serve the collective. She has empowered individuals to heal their spiritual, physical, emotional, personal, and financial blockages.

She deeply believes in empowering individuals to heal themselves with their inner power. She believes that when one is in remembrance of God and experiences God within, they can lead their highest soul path. This offering is intended to promote the same. She is on a mission to awaken people of their inner power, their true selves.

"God loves you and when you remember that, you are awakened."