What is a soul scan?

Shivangi has channeled more than 100 soul scans for seekers from across the globe. Through her gift, she empowers the healing journey of those who come to her.

A soul scan gives you a complete understanding of your karmic lessons, soul purpose, gifts, soul baggage, chakra wounds, and many more. These help the seeker understand their issues in the current reality and help them improve their life.

Shivangi also channels messages from spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters for the seeker. Her scans have been life-changing and you can see the response below. As the demand is high, keeping her availability in mind, she offers this scan a few times a year for only limited slots. So avail this if you are ready to evolve.

Take the scan if..

  • You are a spiritual seeker and want to grow on this path of ascension

  • You believe in inner work and healing rather than blaming your outside world

  • You are not seeking external benefits but trying to learn deeper lessons to evolve in this journey of life

  • You want to understand your karmic lessons and soul gifts

  • You want to receive messages from your spirit team of guides and angels

  • You want to understand your chakras and how can you work on them

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon submitting the form, you will be notified about the approval of your submission, once the approval is done, you'll receive a checkout link to pay. If you cannot pay through Teachable, you can pay through alternate methods. For this, send us a WhatsApp message at +91 93341 06960

After payment, you will be directed to the coaching page where you will see a calendar icon, just click next to it and you will find the calendar to book your slot.

Please book your slot after payment.

How will a soul scan happen?

Once you have booked your slot, drop your photo and your full name on our WhatsApp number -

+91 93341 06960

Then on the date of your booking, you will receive your soul scan in a recorded audio. We will send it to you over the provided mail, so keep a check.

Can I ask questions before or after my scan?

Below scheduling, you will find a box to write more. You can add your questions there. I DO NOT believe in future predictions so I cannot answer such questions. You can keep your questions around guidance. Try to keep them short and easy to understand.

If you have doubts after the scan, you can contact the above WhatsApp number. We will try to give you clarity as much as we can. I work very intuitively so as much the divine wants, you will receive.

How does selection happen?

It is an intuitive process followed by Shivangi where she only reaches out to those, she can truly help. So if you do not hear from us, please know that Divine has a better path for you.

Can I get a refund?

I deeply honor this work and put a lot of time and energy into doing the scan so this offering is not eligible for a refund.

Can I use any other payment getaway?

Yes, but please send us an email right after the payment, and we will give you the calendar link to book the slot. In case there is a delay in booking the slot and if we have no slot left, then we will refund the full amount.


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Below are a few testimonies, you can find more on my Instagram Highlight.