What is Inner Union?

Everything is energy. Energy is the conscious manifestation of God. We all have two aspects of the same energy, masculine & feminine. Masculine energy is the aspect of energy that is outwardly and Feminine energy is the aspect of the same energy that is inwardly. For example, I am very talkative is an outward aspect of me, but I have felt unheard is an inward aspect of me. When the "I am talkative" meets with "I have felt unheard". There is a resolution. I will understand and resolve this.

When Masculine Energy is blocked

When Masculine energy is suppressed or blocked, feminine energy will increase and vice versa. For example, " If I am not able to express myself, the feelings of being unheard will increase and create anger or resentment."

When Feminine energy is blocked

When feminine energy is blocked, masculine energy will increase. For example, "If I am unaware that I have felt unheard or I have not resolved it, I will talk a lot and unnecessarily, this will frustrate those around me and I will feel pain"

When either of these energies is blocked, we feel a sense of lack and that takes us away from fulfillment. The lack of inner fulfilment projects as lack of outer fulfilment in our abundance, health, or relationships.


How does this affect your abundance?

Lack of Purpose - I DO

When the masculine energy is blocked, you lack the purpose to take inspired actions. You find comfort in escapism or illusion. Because there is no purpose, you will want shortcuts to reach success. Also, purpose is never the result, but what inspired one to go towards the result.

Lack of Being- I EMBODY

When the feminine energy is blocked, you will take too many actions but will lack the worthiness to receive the result. No matter how much you hustle, nothing will make you feel fulfilled, because you will feel unworthy of being the person who can have it.

How does this affect your relationships?

Lack of Giving - I DEMAND

When the masculine energy is blocked, you lack the interest of giving. You will have trust issues and will not be able to commit. You might come across as closed off or self-centered.

Lack of receiving - I PROVIDE

When the feminine energy is blocked, you will not be able to receive what you deserve, in relationships. You will always end up feeling used or exploited. You will always give more.

How does this affect your health?

Lack of Will - I DELAY

When the masculine energy is blocked, you will lack interest in the physical aspects of your body. You will not feel motivated to take care of your body's strength.

Lack of Wisdom - I DISTRACT

When your feminine energy is blocked, you will lack an understanding of your inner systems and only focus on outward aspects of your body. One will go to the gym because they want to appear good and will not truly understand body, emotions, and energy.


Shivangi is a self-taught channeler and energy healer who started awakening her psychic abilities at the age of 19. Today she has worked with 1000+ individuals from across the globe. She has guided people to cure ill health, heal relationships, awaken psychic abilities, and attract more abundance. She has a community of 1000+ seekers who train and meditate with her through online sessions.

You can preview the first chapter and one of the additional resources to make an informed decision.

Just click on Preview below.

Healing Meditations

We will have three sessions

Healing the Masculine Energy

Healing the Feminine Energy

Inner Union of Masculine and Feminine Energy.


You will listen to the audio chapters, where Shivangi will share concepts as well as practical steps that you can take to balance these energies.

Bonus Resources

Shivangi has added a little extra in this course according to what she intuitively felt, you might need.

Energy Exchange

We keep limited slots for the undivided attention of each participant who joins. Our last program was filled within 2 days of being launched. So if you are inclined, join this journey now.


These messages have been received by us from various programs. The names have been hidden for privacy.